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Did You Know: Store Your Photos Online


Store Your Photos Online

In the past few years, most of us have switched to digital cameras for some or all of our photography. Most of our friends and relatives have done the same. So we find ourselves with a huge collection of digital pictures: some we took, some our friends and family took, some coworkers sent us through email, some that came on CDs from the photo get the picture (pardon the pun). Many of these charming images have never even been printed out. So ask yourself: 

How many irreplaceable snapshots would I lose if my computer died tomorrow?

It's a sobering thought for many of us. Good news: there is a simple and free solution! Select an online photo hosting service - like Flickr, Photobucket, Picasa, or Snapfish- and create an account. You can upload your pictures in one lump sum or in batches. This may be a good time for that big organizing project you've been saying you'll get around to. These sites also provide options to share your pictures with friends thru email, even protecting your photos by password so only people you select can access them.


Think About This...

Disasters can come in many forms and they can happen when you least expect it. Only 6% of companies that suffer catastrophic data loss survive while 43% never reopen and 51% close within 2 years of the disaster. 93% of the companies that did not have their data backed up in the event of a disaster went out of business. [Best's Underwriting Guide]